Coachella ’07: Clown town

April 28, 007
Coachella Valley Music Festival

ITEM! Ratgirl’s grandpa used to eat meat gravy on his chocolate cake. “It all goes to the same place anyway,” she said he’d say.

The gates have opened and the rubes have flooded in. Seventy thousand people rocked out here yesterday. Seventy thousand surprisingly well-behaved and not-totally-f’ed-up-on-drugs people. But maybe we don’t see the ugliest bits. They camp far, far away from us, in reportedly barbaric conditions. $5 bottle of water, anyone? Continue reading

Coachella ’07: Cyclecide, Johnny Amerika, Ryan Doyle, Dirtyfinger, Cauac Twins

April 25, 007
Coachella Valley Music Festival
Artists’ Parking Lot

Johnny Amerika and Tirzah are working artists living in Los Angeles. That happens a lot down there, apparently — unlike San Francisco, where a way higher percentage of clowns like us do it for the love alone. Something about SF being the world capital of creative leisure, and Hollywood liking special effects and people that can build weird things and work long hours on inconceivable projects.

Johnny inherited the six-joystick control box for his latest contraption after creating it on the job for an … well, an animatronic animal for Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. Continue reading

road trip: X marks the spots

April 2, 2007

Sitting on the stoop at the house I’m staying in in New Orleans, I noticed some graffiti I’d spotted earlier while getting lost near the Superdome … seemed to be tagged on the front of every house in this neighborhood too. My eyes picked up on it because it looks so much like the old Hard Times Bike Club (now Black Label) logo — an “X” with the letters written in all four spaces. Continue reading