Burning Man Cleanup: Dear Gate, —

October 4, 007
Gerlach, NV

It is with semi-tight shoulders that I report to you that the Black Hole got a yellow on the MOOP map this year.

Yellow. Not green.

We tried. We tried so hard. We cleaned up all the big stuff and put it in the right trailers and boxes and oversaw transpo and then MOOPed our asses off. Busting dunes by hand with a rake. Digging out burn scars. Going over and over the site. Staying later than the other crews each day and using whiskey as a work tool. *burp*

C-Load came out for the weekend to do line sweeps with us. When we found out we were near the Black Hole, we strolled ahead one block to make sure we’d cleared everything. There was nothing there. One cigarette butt, maybe. I didn’t pick up a damn thing and I even full-contact MOOPed the site — crawling on my hands and knees through some newly-formed dunes in chicken pants and a tank top, killing two birds with one stone. Skin exfoliation feels nice.
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Burning Man Cleanup: Golden T-Stake ceremony photos

Yesterday was the last day of Burning Man cleanup on the playa. Today, the Bureau of Land Management came to inspect the site, to see if the DPW did a good enough job picking up after 48,000 people.

We passed with flying, pirate-flag, I’ll-show-you-Leave-No-Trace colors.

The Golden T-Stake, pounded in at the end of the City map on 10:00, was the last large foreign object remaining from Burning Man on the playa. To celebrate another job well done, we all gathered this afternoon to watch it get pulled out of the ground by the Playa Restoration managers.

After a morning spent cleaning the trailer park and waiting for last night’s party to wear off, we ate lunch and climbed on the bus for one last ride to the worksite.

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Burning Man Cleanup: Never-Never Land

My dad was right.

I do live in an adult version of Never Never Land.

Of course, he was talking about San Francisco. But if he could see me out here, he’d REALLY roll his eyes.

I have barely handled money in a month. Maybe twice. I have no idea what’s in my purse, or where my purse is. Or what day it is. I haven’t shopped for anything other than gas and food, and even then, not much.

I’ve heard little news of the outside world. I haven’t spoken to anyone at home more than once. I haven’t seen my dog (which is the only bad and painful part). As for computering, I only do blog entries and check my messages and then get offline as soon as I can — to hang out again with the same hundred-or-so people.

I’ve taken excellent mini-“vacations” from this already awesome place.

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Burning Man Cleanup: I’m scared of the party tonight

It’s 8:16pm in the Black Rock Saloon in Gerlach, Nevada. We all just ate, at least. Thankfully. Lining for the stomach.

Dukey and Charlie and Vaughn and Party Guy and Fraser are holding court behind the bar at the Crack Rock, already shirtless and/or partially de-pantsed. Dollar bills and cigarettes tucked in thongs. Bouncing their junk and molesting incoming customers and crawling around on the bar like strippers.

They’re calling it ‘Coyote Icky.’

Dr. Dre is thumping on the sound system — no wait, now it’s Lionel Richie — and bow ties are being paired with hotpants and old lady wigs. There’s an electricity in the air that says: Someone is going to puke tonight.

(Wait, now it’s Culture Club.)

I feel sorry for whoever passes out with their boots on first.

he love you long time


Please stand by.

Someone knocked over my computer in the Crack Rock last night after accidentally swallowing too much alcohol. My DJ set came to an abrupt end, just at the start of the panic attack. I didn’t lose any data but now the thing won’t close and the charger doesn’t work, so I’ve only got 7 minutes left on my battery. I’d talk more about it but I lost my voice (again) singing along to Journey with everyone.

It was a full moon. That’s all I think I can say about the party without getting killed.

Gerlach High School girls’ volleyball game tonight. DPW is all invited. We’re not allowed to cuss or bring booze but I think it’ll be pretty awesome anyway.